Our Values

Love: We believe that love is the verb that drives us, and loving our neighbor is at the root of what we do. Our belief stems from the teachings of Jesus, but “do unto others” is a command shared by all faith traditions.

Grace: We believe that the grace of God, offered to all, moves outward from us to others. We share God’s grace from a perspective that none of us have earned anything and all of us are inherently worthy of all good gifts by nature of our shared humanity.

Creativity: We believe that to be creative means to seek varied and innovative solutions, to be bold in our thoughts and actions, to value wisdom and experience, to be playful and kind in our relationships, and to be driven by a vision of a just and compassionate world.

Trustworthiness: We believe that we are called to integrity, honesty and steadfastness in all good things. We are committed to our work, always striving to do our best, to treat our neighbors with respect and compassion, and to continue to improve our processes and ourselves.

Dignity and worth of the person: We believe that every person is created in the image of God and worthy, by their personhood and not through any special merit, to be treated with respect and compassion, and to maintain agency over their own lives.

Just relationships: Just relationships are "safe spaces where each of us is free to become our whole self." We believe that all are equal in the sight of God, and that human relationships are the foundation of our lives on this earth. We believe that to start to repair our broken world, we must start with healing in our own selves, and in our relationships with others.